7 Ways Travel Can Impact Your Life

We all know travel is a fun way to experience life and take a break. However, there are many ways that travel can be much more meaningful. Travel can break your normal routine, get you out of your comfort zone and expose you to so many more aspects of life. Like they say, there is no growth in comfort.

Here are seven ways that travel can impact your life.

1) Broadens Perspectives

At home, you build your life just the way you like it, so when you travel you’re exposed to all these different ways of being and doing. Soon enough, your perspective begins to shift. That unusual dish becomes your favorite new recipe and the local music makes you want to dance. You find new ways of enjoying life that you can incorporate when you return home. Then when you taste that spice, or hear that song, you are transported across the world, even for a moment.

Discover new flavors

2) Teaches Patience

When you travel (especially outside of America), you quickly realize that everyone’s goal in life is not to be productive. Most other cultures tend to value the journey rather than the destination. Spending hours waiting in lines at cafes and airports, or waiting for a rain storm to pass tests your patience, but after a while, you can get used to it and even get a kick out of it. Rather than being frustrated by the passing minutes, you take the time to observe your surroundings, engage in conversation, and soak up the simple parts of life that you otherwise would miss. And slowly but surely, you too may learn to relax and enjoy life as it happens.

Travel teaches patience on a rainy day

3) Grows Confidence

After watching the sunset in Rio, driving the streets of Ireland, or even racing through airports to make a tight connection, you can’t help but feel more confident in your abilities. Suddenly the simple tasks that seemed so overwhelming are not that stressful. It’s a reminder that – you got this!

Build confidence, you got this!

4) Deepens Appreciation

Even after an incredible trip, there’s nothing like coming home, greeting your dog, enjoying your hot shower and curling up your own bed. All the flaws at home suddenly become more charming as you appreciate your usual comforts. Sometimes the best part of a trip is coming home.

A new appreciation for what’s waiting for you back at home

5) Lets You Meet New People

You never know who’s path you will cross when you’re traveling, and how similar we all actually are. This is one of the reasons volunteering is so valuable while traveling. When visiting communities more off the beaten path, it’s a reminder that we all want to laugh, love, be with family, enjoy good food and listen to soothing music. You may meet someone completely different from you to challenge your viewpoints, and you might meet a new friend you stay in touch with.

Meet a new friend and keep in touch

6) Displays the Good

Every time we turn on the news, we are reminded by how much negative there is in the world. But when you travel, and especially when you give back in some way, you realize that our world isn’t so bad after all. Even within different customs, you can witness small acts of love and kindness, watch friends laugh together and seeing families spend time together. Seeing these acts warms the heart and gives you a renewed sense of humanity by the time you get home.

Volunteer at a nonprofit while traveling

7) Shows Value of Experiences

“Collect moments, not things” is such a power quote. It’s a reminder that there is nothing more valuable than getting out into the world, creating your own experiences and meeting new people. As you reflect back on your trips, or your past few years as a whole, your experiences bring you far more happiness than any physical item ever will.

A happy memory to keep forever

So the next time you have the opportunity to travel, go and give it your all. It’s easy to come up with excuses but it’s impossible to go back in time and take that trip.

To learn more about Give a Day Global and the wonderful nonprofits around the world where you can volunteer for a day, click the button below.
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