Travel Trend to Watch: Traveling with Purpose

There’s no shortage of beautiful places in the world to visit on your vacation and you can find plenty of recommendations for bucket-list and must-see destinations. However, there’s a growing trend of travelers seeking more than checking off a bucket list and looking to travel with purpose. Traveling with purpose can mean a lot of different things for different people but the key theme that they all have in common is that there is an intention greater than themselves.

If you’re seeking some inspiration to travel with purpose and go beyond checking off a travel itinerary, here are some ways you can do that:

Learn a new language

What better way to learn a new language than to be immersed in the country and being outside of your comfort zone. If you’re looking for something more structured, you can search for short-term language courses offered that are just a few days long – short enough to squeeze into your vacation. You can also try searching for language exchange groups through or other forums. If you prefer less structure, you can simply download a language app like Duolingo and apply your new vocabulary at the local market or ordering at a restaurant. If you set the intention to learn the native language of your destination, you may be surprised with how much you can learn in a short period of time and it will add a much richer experience to your trip.
Find a language exchange
Learn a new skill

If learning a new language isn’t your thing, there are plenty of opportunities to learn other new skills. You could take a cooking class in Thailand, a painting class in Mexico or get scuba certified in the Caribbean. Imagine learning to sail in Australia, taking jiu jitsu in Brazil or studying ayurveda in India. Whether your interest is in music, art, sports, history or health, you can find an enriching learning experience around the world to match your passions. Taking a new skill home with you is better than any souvenir you can buy at the airport gift shop.

Support sustainability

We are privileged to have more access to travel than we ever did before. There are many budget flight options, an abundance of accommodation types and travel information has never been easier to find. However, this easy access is taking its toll on the environment and popular touristic sights. Thailand recently announced that they had to close down Maya Beach on Koh Phi Phi that was made famous by the movie ‘The Beach’. The influx of tourists has severely damaged the environment and requires a couple of years to restore. Sustainability-minded tourists can select their destinations with intention, avoiding overly burdened destinations in favor of others. It’s also important to do your research with wildlife tourism to ensure that you are not contributing to the profitability of captivating wild animals. Other ways to travel more sustainably is to limit your carbon footprint by finding the most efficient transportation option and supporting eco-friendly accommodations.

Volunteer with the local community

A very direct way you can travel with purpose is to volunteer at a local non-profit organization. This is a great way to get off the beaten path, interact with the local community and give back. Volunteer projects range from educational programs with children, working with wildlife, feeding the hungry to teaching english. Volunteering at your travel destination gives you first-hand exposure to some of the challenges that residents face and a different perspective from the typical tourist lense. Often times, travelers discover that the most memorable and favorite part of their trip was their volunteer experience. Many volunteer projects require a multi-day commitment but if that doesn’t fit into your travel schedule, there are also many one day volunteer opportunities that you can find at Give A Day Global.
Give a Day Global volunteers helping with sea turtle conservation in Costa Rica
Traveling with purpose is a travel trend that is certainly a positive one that can benefit travelers, locals and the environment. However you decide to travel with a higher purpose, it is sure to enrich your life and that of others.

To learn more about Give a Day Global and the wonderful nonprofits around the world where you can volunteer for a day, click the button below.
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